Thursday, January 4, 2018

Losing my camera on the first day

As we strolled around the city center, one figure stands tall and catches our attention. The spire of Stephansdom. ST. Stephen 's Cathedral (more commonly Known by its German title: Stephansdom) is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna and the seat of the Archbishop of Vienna. The current Romanesque and Gothic form of the cathedral, seen today in Stephansplatz, has borne witness to many important events in Hapsburg and Austrian history and has, with its multi-colored tile roof, become one of the city's most recognizable symbols. 

like a moth drawn to the fire, our group slowly made our way to the church. along the way we saw in posters that there was a youth choir festival in Vienna happening today. it said that there was an American youth choir that will perform in the church a few minutes from now. 

We made our way to the church and found the way to the seats blocked by a barrier. you have to pay to sit down or stand in the barriers if you wanted to watch for free. easy Choice, we stood up.

as we were listening to the concert, we could not help but take note of the interior design of the church. it was truly a beautiful church, the most beautiful enemy so far. it was so beautiful I had to take a photo of it. 

as I brought my camera up, someone jostled for position to hear the concert and bumped me. I tried to grab my camera as it flew in the air. It was futile. It fell to the ground with a loud cracking sound and deep down inside I knew it was damaged. I picked it up and the shutter was stuck. I could not rewind it nor use the shutter. my first day in Europe and I would have to spend the rest of this tour without a camera. What a tragedy!

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