Friday, December 22, 2017

It's COLD in Vienna

Coming from Manila, Philippines where it's perpetually in the 30's. We have a saying here about our weather, "we only have 2 seasons, HOT and HOTTER" It is really not hotter per we except that the humidity changes. You either have a Dry kind of hot or a Wet kind of hot day. Get the picture?

We arrived in Vienna, Austria early Late May 1998. It was spring and the weather in the 15s to 20's. this was pre internet days so we had no idea other than the warning of our choirmaster, who lived in Europe before,  to bring light jackets.  At the airport it was quite warm and so we didn't put jackets on. We waited for our organizers to show up in the arrival area and while waiting, one person in the group bravely ventured outside the airport

Suddenly he came back inside saying, "it's cold outside!!" The whole group got up and hurriedly went outside. the feel of the cold air was a reminder that we were not in the Philippines anymore. then we saw the tulips. (Tulips are imported, we don't see them much in the Philippines) Everyone went to the tulips to have their pic taken.

(Here is the group posing beside the tulips outside the airport)

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