Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Taking a Crap at the Plane

Without much sleep from the night before and a little too excited about the trip to Europe, i forgot to take care of "business" before I went to the airport.

The stopover in Taiwan was short and soon we find ourselves boarding again, this time for Vienna. We took off and right after food was served once again. I will usually eat what's in front of me, a discipline I learned growing up. It was my 2nd big meal in a span of few hours. 

It started as a rumble then a riot in my tummy. I knew I had to go. I've never used the airplane toilet before and it seems I'd have to use one now.   

There was a line and my tummy is saying, you gotta go!! Tried shifting position and think random thoughts to take my mind off. First thing I thought when coming inside, wow its small. I did my thing and flushed. SHWOOOSH! The sound startled me. To my Horror some bits and pieces did not flush away and were stuck. I tried flushing again. Nope that did not work. Water did the trick. I used the water for handwashing to loosen the bits and pieces. Flushed and it was all clean :)

I don’t think anyone enjoys going number two on a plane, but if you’re going to, there are some basic ways to minimize the impact it has on other passengers
  • When you’re done, use a lot of soap when you wash your hands — airlines typically have foaming soap, and you’d be surprised by how much of a difference it can make in terms of the smell
  • As a courtesy, wipe down everything you used and leave it the way you entered it. 

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